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The Gift of Life

Wow...its been two months since I've put any of my thoughts down on paper. I suppose that's for a few good reasons. 1. I promised myself when I started this blog that I wouldn't publish a blog just to publish a blog. I want to make sure my words have meaning. 2. I needed some time in my "bubble." I needed some time just to be in my own head while I worked through things on my own. 3. Bad things don't stop happening to you or around you just because you've gone through a very scary and life threatening situation. The world keeps spinning and you have to spin with it- good, bad, or indifferent. Our family has faced some personal challenges and our community has been rocked to its core as well. These things all take time to work through and process...Thank you to all who have reached out to me to make sure that I am doing okay during my break from blogging. It has meant so much to me...

With that said, how about a health update? I have been so blessed to have had a generally outstanding recovery. It amazes me to think that almost 4 months ago I could barely walk or talk and now I am getting stronger in every way. I have started to work out again. My voice is fully restored (Yay! Just in time for football...) And, the subtle things in my brain seem to be working themselves out. I had an MRI in late March and the result were positive. The tumor hasn't come back. There's still some swelling in my brain, but hopefully it continues to go down. Isn't it crazy to think there can still be swelling almost 4 months later??? Stupid tumor. I did go RX free as of last week which is super awesome and exciting. The last RX I was on made me tired, made my joints and muscles ache, and generally wasn't pleasant so I am so happy to be working that stuff out of my system. Oh, and my hair is growing back nicely as well which a bonus. I need it to grow long fast to hide the dent in my head that feels about the size of the Grand Canyon...

The only thing really keeping me down (and I feel bad bitching about it, but I am still gonna complain) is that I still can't drive. From what I understand it's going to be about 3 more months before I can get my license back. Might not sound like that big of a deal, but for someone as independent as I have always been this has been one of the toughest parts of all of it. It's really difficult to have to depend on others for groceries, kids stuff, Dr. appointments, and basically anything and everything that doesn't take place in my home. It's been tough to swallow for sure. We had been told by one of my Docs that I could drive in a couple of weeks so I was so thrilled to have a light at the end of the tunnel only to have the rug pulled from under my feet. SO, I will suck it up and continue to make things work with the awesome support of friends and family.

Now that I'm typing again I have so many things I want to share, but I won't make this too long and I will share more thoughts head keeps swimming with thoughts of the future and what the next phase of my life will look like. I will save that for the next blog though. Today's blog I just want to remind ya'll to live in the moment and appreciate all that we have. I need to work on this too. I need to take more quiet moments of meditation/prayer/reflection to be in the moment and give thanks that I am alive and for the gifts I have been shown or given during my recovery time. Life is a gift and we all seem to lose track of this at times and dwell on the silly stresses of life that in the long run really don't matter...

I challenge you all, and myself, to take 5-10 minutes a day to practice your form of mindfulness and to never let a moment go by when you can let a loved one know that they are loved. Close your eyes, take a deep breath and fill your lungs with the breath of life. Life is not easy or fair, but always remember that it is in fact a gift. Make the most of that gift...

I leave you with another song that is inspiring to me and helps lift me up on the rough days...I AM A RISER!

More soon. Much love, beauty, and blessings to ya'll.


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